Paul’s Story

I created an email address for our unborn daughter in 2021. I wanted her to know what was happening and how I was feeling during the time of her birth and as she continued to grow. I want her to be able to look back and understand what her dads were like and how much love they have for her. My emails continued throughout the pregnancy and the birth, through to the return back to Australia at a time when boarders were closed due to Covid. It was a miracle that I was able to return but through the network of loving and supportive people both in the USA and Australia, we made it through that challenging time. I am forever grateful.

My partner and I joined Gay Dads WA in 2021, through another member Adrian, who introduced me to the world of surrogacy and put me in contact with Sam Everingham from Growing Families. It was through these people that our journey began, and their support continued throughout. Gay Dads WA provided much support, introducing us to other wonderful queer parents and their families through social events and group discussions, as well as a source of information as a parent. For instance, when I was rejected exit from Australia during Covid, to attend the birth of Samantha, I reached out to the group and they provided a solution. Since then, I have been quite active with the group. I have organised and attended many social events, I lead the first Gay Dads WA attendance in the Perth PrideFEST march in 2022 and in also drove forward the creation of this website. And I did it with the support of other gay dads, who I am very thankful to. It is my belief that gay people should be aware that they can be parents, as well as to raise awareness to the wider community that we make great parents.

Last of all, I just want to say how much my life has changed with our little girl coming into our life. She brings so much love and joy into all of our lives and I tell myself everyday how truly blessed we are to have her.

[24/2/2021 Email to Samantha]

Hi Samantha, 

I created this email account for you so that I could write to you about our journey.  You're not here yet, but we already love you with full hearts.

I always want to be honest and trueful with you. So, I may use some words which are not the right terms to use, but I want to explain things as clearly as I can.

Tomorrow is your 20-week scan and I'm up at 5.45am to have the call on WhatsApp with the hospital in Boise. This is an important time when the doctor conducts an ultrasound and we get to look at your bone structure, organs, blood flow in more details. Diana, your Surrogate-Mother/Carrier, will dial me into the call. She is a wonderful woman. She is quiet and shy, but she is strong and determined. I will tell you more about her and your Genetic-Mother/Egg-Donor in later emails.

Diana has two daughters and a wonderful, supportive partner. Diana arranged for an appointment with another clinic to conduct a quick ultrasound scan.  She wanted her daughters to see I said, Diana is wonderful. I will send the scan to you in the next email and you should be able to hear her daughters talking.

I have a lot to say, but I will tell you our story bit by bit. I look forward to seeing you again in the morning. 

I love you,

Paul x


Marty’s Story


Terry’s Journey